Slooterdam Nation

This is the web log of Mike Christianson- musician, who lives in an area near NYC that was once referred to (by the Dutch, no surprise) as "Slooterdam".

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mozart Requiem on old axes:

Mozart’s Requiem, K. 626
Sunday at 11am. St. Bartholomew’s Choir.
William K. Trafka, conductor

On this weekend, the fifth anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, we offer music from Mozart’s great Requiem sung in memory of those who perished in the violence of that day.

I will be playing my old, low pitch (A=430) teeny-bore trombone in this perfomance on Sunday 9/10 at 11AM along with an entire orchestra of "period instrumentalists". It's a very interesting sound if you haven't heard it before.

St. Bartholomew’s Church
Park Ave at 51st St
New York City
Mailing Address
109 East 50th St
New York, NY 10022


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